Tag Archives: Melissa Pearl

Troublemaker by Melissa Pearl Reviewed


Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000446_00063]

Title: Troublemaker ~ A Songbird Novel
Author: Melissa Pearl
Publication Date: February 11, 2016


Kelly DeMarco is out of Marcus Chapman’s league. When they met in high school he was besotted with the blue-eyed goddess, but she never gave him the time of day.

High school is now over and the tide is turning.

Five years later, Kelly is job-hunting and the best she can find happens to be Marcus Chapman’s personal assistant. He is thrilled by this second chance and determined to win the beauty’s affections, but Kelly has no intention of falling for the “class clown.”

What you’re looking for can be hiding right in front of you.

In spite of her resolve, Marcus’s playful charm begins to chip away at Kelly’s protective veneer and she starts to realize that tall, dark and mysterious isn’t a requirement, and sometimes Mr. I Don’t Think So can actually be Mr. Perfect.

Will Kelly’s obsession with keeping up appearances push Marcus away or will he have enough drawing power to convince his favorite girl that honest love can outclass anything?

my thoughts

I have enjoyed everyone of the Songbird novel and so far, I’d say Marcus is totally one of my favorite songbird hero. He’s just so sweet and thoughtful and the way he loves… he’s very ideal. Though physically speaking, his looks might not be very ideal. Actually, I think the reason why I liked him the most was because of this. He’s not your usual, tall, dark and handsome kinda guy. In fact, I’d say with the way Kelly treated him, he’s pretty much ordinary looking. But whatever her lacked in his physical looks, he definitely made it up with his personality.

Kelly on the other hand, I find her personality was not very much justified. I find her very shallow with her choice of men although it could be attributed to the fact that she’s used to acting in the way other people expected her too. I was just hoping that her reasons for some of her actions were given better light. Like that scene at the pool for example. She said there’s reason why she did it but it wasn’t showed very well.

But it was nice how she made up for all of it in the way she came to her senses with her parents and stood up for her feelings for Marcus.

All in all, I still really enjoyed the story. And the songs! I loved all the songs and how it was played into the story.

four star

purchase links

Amazon | Barnes and Noble |

Other books in the series:
Fever – Ella & Cole’s Story
Bulletproof – Morgan & Sean’s Story
Everything – Jody & Leo’s Story
Home – Rachel & Josh’s Story
True Love – Nessa & Jimmy’s Story

One-Click Favorites: Interview with Melissa Pearl

One-Click Favorites: Interview with Melissa Pearl



Today I had the chance to interview one of the few NA authors that I read… Melissa Pearl. I love how her novels always involve mystery and suspense that when you start reading, you can’t put it down until you get to the end. The first novel of hers that I’ve read and fell in love with was I Know Lucy which is part of The Fugitive Series.

In celebration of her upcoming release The Spaces Beyond, a sequel to the novel The Spaces Between the Heartbeats, I requested for an interview which she gladly agreed to.

Melissa Pearl was born in Auckland, New Zealand, but has spent much of her life abroad, living in countries such as Jordan, Cyprus and Pakistan… not to mention a nine month road trip around North America with her husband. “Best. Year. Ever!!” She now lives in China with her husband and two sons. She is a trained elementary teacher, but writing is her passion. Since becoming a full time mother she has had the opportunity to pursue this dream and her debut novel hit the internet in November 2011. Since then she has continued to produce a steady stream of books, ranging in genres from Fantasy to Romantic Suspense to Contemporary Romance. She loves the variety and is excited about the books she has coming out in 2015. (quoted from amazon author page)

To date, she has 23 books available in the market in kindle or paper back as well as other formats.

Without further ado, here’s a few things for us to get to know her more.

All About Being a Writer

  • What year did you publish your first novel? 2011
  • What were you before you became an author?
    ~ A middle school teacher (Grade 7) & also a stay at home mother
  • How did you feel after you published your first book? Expectations?
    ~It was pretty exciting and nerve-wracking. It was really cool to have something online for people to read and I was getting really good reviews, so that part was excellent. If I’m honest, a small part of me was hoping for the Amanda Hocking effect, but I think I was realistic enough to know I wouldn’t get that. Trying to get noticed as an indie author has been much harder than I thought it would be.
  • Why did you choose to write New Adult and Young Adult?
    ~I started writing YA because of being a teacher. I wanted to write something that students could enjoy. I didn’t like reading that much as a kid and I wanted to write the kinds of books that I would have loved. I got into New Adult last year, because I wanted to start working with slightly older characters. Their situations & circumstances are just a little different to high schoolers and it’s fun working with slightly older issues.
  • Have you ever had a mental block before? If yes, how did you overcome it?
    ~ I get them sometimes during the planning phases of my stories…also sometimes during the middle. I tend to go for a walk or take a shower…or discuss it with my husband. One of those things will usually trigger a solution for me.
  • What was your fist novel and what inspired you to write it?
    ~ My very first novel isn’t published. It’s called the Bigger Picture and I may publish it one day, but it was more just a test run. My best friend told me to write it so she could read it 🙂 That’s what started me down this path and I’ll be forever grateful to her. My first published novel was Golden Blood * and I was inspired by the Twilight series. I wanted to write a YA romance that didn’t involve vampires and werewolves though…so I went for time travel, which was SO much fun 🙂
    *Golden Blood is currently free on all platforms
  • What is something in being an author that you can’t compare to any other job?
    ~I get to live in an imaginary world when I’m writing and I LOVE that!! It’s the best part about being an author for me and I couldn’t really get that anywhere else.  Also – the writing community is awesome. There are so many creative, kindred spirits and it’s so fantastic connecting with these talented people who are just as passionate as you are.
  • What is something you know now that you wish you knew before you started writing?
    ~Um – good question. I have learned SO much along this journey – it’s hard to pinpoint something specific. All the things I think of – like how hard marketing is and how nasty reviews can sting – if I knew those before, I may not have had the courage to publish my work…so I’m glad I didn’t know it. LOL 😀
  • How do you feel about having one/two star reviews (if there is any)?
    ~At first it used to bother me, but I’ve come to the realization that reading is subjective. Not everyone is going to love my work and that’s okay. I don’t love every book I read. People are entitled to their opinions and I’ve learned to brush off the negativity and then go read one of my 5-star reviews 🙂
  • What is something your fans/readers should look forward to?
    ~True Love (A Songbird Novel) is coming out in November and I’m REALLY excited to share that with my NA fans. For my YA readers, I have two novellas coming out in October, which accompany the re-release of Betwixt…now entitled The Space Between Heartbeats (published by Alloy Entertainment).


  • Food that you won’t ever get tired of eating?
    ~Hamburgers (although I’m now gluten free, so I have to eat them bunless 😦
  • A place you haven’t been before but really want to go to?
    ~SO many places!!! I really want to do a castle tour of Europe 🙂
  • Do you have any pets?
    ~ No – my sons are like puppies, so I figure that’s close enough for now. LOL 🙂
  • Is there something you are afraid of?
    ~I wish I wasn’t, but I am really scared of falling, so heights and me are not a great combo
  • Most mistaken impression people have about you?
    ~Hmmm – I really don’t know! I don’t  know what people think about me. Haha! 🙂


  1. Singing or Dancing? ~Singing
  2. Sailing or Flying? ~Hmmm – neither really…I guess I’d have to pick flying, inspite of my heights thing
  3. Hot or cold? Hot
  4. The world without music is _____________? ~Empty
  5. Your present life in a song? ~There are so many – but I’m going to go with “You’re Not Alone” by Owl City & Britt Nicole. It’s a constant comfort for me and I truly believe it 🙂
I hope you all enjoyed reading along my interview with Melissa Pearl. You can find a complete list of her books below.


The Spaces Between Heartbeats
The Spaces Beyond (Upcoming Oct 15)

The Fugitive Series:
I Know Lucy (Currently Free) 
Set Me Free

The Songbird Novel:
Fever (FREE)

True Colors
Snake Eyes
Poker Face

Elements Trilogy

The Time Spirit Trilogy
Golden Blood (Free)
Black Blood

Paranormal Pantry (Boxed Set)

Forbidden Waters
Forbidden Territory

Get Inked: Fantasy Sampler
Get Inked: Contemporary Romance Sampler


Home: A Songbird Novel by Melissa Pearl Release Blitz


Rachel Myers never meant to stay in Payton. Her eyes were set on bigger things than waitressing at Clark’s Bar. She wants to perform on a stage of her own with bright lights, fame, and fortune. But something got in the way—Joshua Clark. He’s a good man who loves her, a solid rock she can depend on. She wants that to be enough, but it hasn’t quelled her yearning for the big city.

Josh knows Rachel wants more out of life and might leave one day. Yet so far, she hasn’t gone anywhere. Deep down, he believes his love is enough to keep her…or at least he hopes so. Until one night, a city boy from Hollywood promises Rachel a record deal and destroys everything.

Jumping at a chance she never thought she’d have, Rachel leaves Payton. And Josh. But the sparkle of Los Angeles is not all it’s cracked up to be, and Rachel quickly figures out that some sacrifices are not worth the risk. Is she too late? Will Josh forgive her, or has her desire for fame ruined the best thing she’s ever had?

Sometimes you have to say goodbye before you can say forever.

purchase links

Smashwords: http://bit.ly/1IraqLY
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1DRuK83

About the Author

Melissa Pearl was born in Auckland, New Zealand, but has spent much of her life abroad, living in countries such as Jordan, Cyprus and Pakistan… not to mention a nine month road trip around North America with her husband. “Best. Year.
Ever!!” She now lives in China with her husband and two sons. She is a trained elementary teacher, but writing is her passion. Since becoming a full time mother she has had the opportunity to pursue this dream and her debut novel hit the internet in November 2011. Since then she has continued to produce a steady stream of books. Recently she signed with
Evatopia Press and her first Evatopia book is coming out in February 2014 – True Colors, The Masks Series #1. She is very excited to be trying out new things this year while continuing to publish under her own name as well. She has six books planned for 2014 and is excited about writing each and every one of them.

Cover Reveal: Home by Melissa Pearl



Home by Melissa Pearl


July 1, 2015

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000446_00063]

Rachel Myers never meant to stay in Payton. Her eyes were set on bigger things than waitressing at Clark’s Bar. She wants to perform on a stage of her own with bright lights, fame, and fortune. But something got in the way—Joshua Clark. He’s a good man who loves her, a solid rock she can depend on. She wants that to be enough, but it hasn’t quelled her yearning for the big city.

Josh knows Rachel wants more out of life and might leave one day. Yet so far, she hasn’t gone anywhere. Deep down, he believes his love is enough to keep her…or at least he hopes so. Until one night, a city boy from Hollywood promises Rachel a record deal and destroys everything.

Jumping at a chance she never thought she’d have, Rachel leaves Payton. And Josh. But the sparkle of Los Angeles is not all it’s cracked up to be, and Rachel quickly figures out that some sacrifices are not worth the risk. Is she too late? Will Josh forgive her, or has her desire for fame ruined the best thing she’s ever had?

Sometimes you have to say goodbye before you can say forever.


Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000446_00063]



Melissa Pearl was born in Auckland, New Zealand, but has spent much of her life abroad, living in countries such as Jordan, Cyprus and Pakistan… not to mention a nine month road trip around North America with her husband. “Best. Year. Ever!!” She now lives in China with her husband and two sons. She is a trained elementary teacher, but writing is her passion. Since becoming a full time mother she has had the opportunity to pursue this dream and her debut novel hit the internet in November 2011. Since then she has continued to produce a steady stream of books, ranging in genres from Fantasy to Contemporary Romance. She loves the variety and is excited about the books she has coming up in 2015.

“I am passionate about writing. It stirs a fire in my soul that I never knew I had. I want to be the best writer I can possibly be and transport my readers into another world where they can laugh, cry and fall in love.”

Forbidden Waters by Melissa Pearl and Brenda Howson Reviewed



Forbidden Waters (Mica and Lexy Book 2)

Release Date: May 22, 2015

my thoughts

A forbidden boat ride turns into the night from hell…

After nearly being killed by drug dealers during an April hiking trip, Lexy and Mica are now on lock down. Their parents want them to stay safe and in town…but where’s the fun in that?

Bored and frustrated by these new restrictions and the fact they can’t hang out with their new boyfriends at will, the girls decide to take a sneaky boat ride across the lake, which isn’t strictly against the rules considering they aren’t actually leaving town.

But things don’t go according to plan.

Their sneaky trip across the water is fraught with disaster when they end up with an annoying tag-along, Tracey, who fills their heads with terrifying ghost stories of the murdering hermit who lives on the other side of the lake. Easy enough to brush off, until their boat capsizes and they find themselves injured and stranded in his ghostly turf. As night sets in, the girls find themselves on the run from a series of unexplained creepies that can only mean one thing…the ghost man is alive.

Will Eli and Tom, figure out where their girlfriends are and get there in time to help them? Or will these two best friends fall into the hands of the man rumored to have murdered his family?

my thoughts

what I love with these series with Mica and Lexy was the fact that anyone of us can relate into them. Probably not so much as with the adventures they went through but the characters character, attitude, reactions… it’s all so familiar because at one point of our lives we’ve been in the age Mica and Lexy has been, We’ve been the impulsive, a bit immature and over confident teen agers growing into adult that they currently are. And of course, who can forget that feeling of falling in love the first time? The first relationship we’ve been that we thought we know a lot at that age only to find out that we have a lot more to learn when it comes to relationship. Forbidden Waters bring all of those emotion back home as if it was a journey back in time. Or at least that was how it felt like for me.

The suspense and mystery is not so much as the first book but I assure you that like the first one it will have your imagination running wild. I was actually hoping for a bit more of paranormal stuff but that’s just me asking for more. This book is already complete in essence as it is. Add another annoying character into the loop and you’ll surely find yourself hooked and eager to find out how it went for them.

I love best the fact how it ends… not the love story part but the friendship part. The part where the old bond gets stronger and a new one is formed. It’s heart touching and definitely brought a smile to my face.

Once again, Melissa Pearl brought me to a world so magnificent that I saw the beauty of literature collide with my own experience. And for that, I sincerely thank you for this wonderful novel.


purchase links

Amazon Link


~ Melissa Pearl ~

Melissa Pearl was born in Auckland, New Zealand, but has spent much of her life abroad, living in countries such as Jordan, Cyprus and Pakistan… not to mention a nine month road trip around North America with her husband. “Best. Year. Ever!!” She now lives in China with her husband and two sons. She is a trained elementary teacher, but writing is her passion. Since becoming a full time mother she has had the opportunity to pursue this dream and her debut novel hit the internet in November 2011. Since then she has continued to produce a steady stream of books, ranging in genres from Fantasy to Romantic Suspense to Contemporary Romance. She loves the variety and is excited about the books she has coming out in 2015.

~ Brenda Howson ~

Brenda loves to ‘create stuff’ whether it’s with a sewing machine, a computer keyboard, crochet hook … or her husband, who helped her create two gorgeous children.

Brenda is a kiwi kid (born in New Zealand) and spends her days working in a school fixing computers and her afternoons and evenings hanging out with her family. As a family they love to go camping, hiking, exploring and sailing. New Zealand is so the perfect place to live to do all those fun adventurous activities.

Brenda has a bit of an adrenalin streak, and while researching for one of her and Melissa’s books, threw herself off the Nevis valley platform in a thrilling swing ride (biggest in the world) that starts with a 120m free-fall drop. Eeeeeeekk!

Brenda has won several short story competitions in New Zealand and is now pursing her dream of writing novels. She loves to write about New Zealand and living in this awesomely gorgeous little country.


A Songbird Novel: Everything by Melissa Pearl Reviewed


Everything (A Songbird novel, Book 3) by Melissa Pearl
Release Day Blitz
April 23, 2015


Jody Pritchett had a dream…but life had other plans. Instead of singing and dancing on Broadway, Jody’s a twenty-year-old single mom, living at home with her disapproving father and overbearing sister. The choice to keep her little Angelia came with a high price and although she adores her baby girl, it doesn’t take away the sting of kissing goodbye her chance at a career on the stage.

Leo Sinclair had his own dream…but got lost along the way. After a failed marriage that left him hollow and downtrodden, the Australian songwriter wonders what joy his future could possibly hold. Encouraged by the one family member who doesn’t think he’s a failure, Leo decides to stop living the life everyone expects him to and start chasing his dreams again.
When the perfect opportunity comes knocking, Leo leaves Australia behind and hops a flight to LA. With his sights set on selling a musical to a Broadway producer, Leo is determined to finally realize his life-long dream. But life gets in the way again, when he spots a young mother outside his apartment in tears. He never realized how one person, one voice, and one Angel could have him contemplating abandoning his dreams once again.

As these two burned hearts wrestle to overcome their past struggles, Leo and Jody must decide what dreams are worth clinging to…because, sometimes, everything you want is not everything you need.

my thoughts

Among the Songbird novels, I’d say that Everything is my favorite one yet. I love how Jody’s character was made. Her flaws were all so realistic and I’ve seen happen in real life that I could sympathize with her character. I liked how she worked her way to building herself from the big road block that she run into. More importantly, I love the way Leo’s character fit through it all.
Everything is a story of dreams, reaching them, stumbling, picking yourself up and how love, family and friendship will see you through amidst all the troubles. Once again, Melissa have written a story that is sure to touch the heart and makes you ponder about your own life and the road you are going through. A lot of us might just learn a thing or two from Jody as we walk the journey with her and Leo.
Buy Links

AND, grab Fever, book 1 in the Songbird series, for ONLY 99 CENTS for a limited time!

About the Author
Melissa Pearl was born in Auckland, New Zealand, but has spent much of her life abroad, living in countries such as Jordan, Cyprus and Pakistan… not to mention a nine month road trip around North America with her husband. “Best. Year. Ever!!” She now lives in China with her husband and two sons. She is a trained elementary teacher, but writing is her passion. Since becoming a full time mother she has had the opportunity to pursue this dream and her debut novel hit the internet in November 2011. Since then she has continued to produce a steady stream of books. Recently she signed with Evatopia Press and her first Evatopia book is coming out in February 2014 – True Colors, The Masks Series #1. She is very excited to be trying out new things this year while continuing to publish under her own name as well. She has six books planned for 2014 and is excited about writing each and every one of them.

Forbidden Territory by By Melissa Pearl & Brenda Howson Release Day


Forbidden Territory

By Melissa Pearl
& Brenda Howson

TCB Editing Services




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March 3, 2015
Best friends mending a heartbreaking feud, two hot boys, a weekend camping trip in the New Zealand bush away
from meddlesome parents . . . what could be better?
That is, until they stumble across a hidden marijuana crop and its terrifying watchmen, and their dream weekend
turns into the ultimate nightmare. Forced apart, the two couples spend the next 48 hours
racing blindly through the bush, searching for each other. Hoping desperately to find
their friends before the hunters do . . .
purchase links
my thoughts

TCB Editing Services




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It started a bit lame for me but as I read along, I find the story more engaging and that I couldn’t put the book down until I see through it’s end. I love Mica’s character the most. Her stubbornness made her such a force to reckon with and I guess it was also what made her the strong teenager she was to make it through the whole ordeal they went through. Lexy’s character was also endearing and the friendship between her and Micah was something you dream to have with a friend. The romance between the two of them and the two heroes, Tom and Eli was so easy to relate to for I believe that most of us have been there at one point of our lives or another. I haven’t enjoy reading a YA in a long time and Mica and Lexy’s story is a definite must read.
Melissa Pearl and Brenda Howson have been best friends for well over a decade. Both mothers of two young children, both married to school teachers, and both lovers of writing, they have a lot in common. Having spent many vacations away together, they have become as close to sisters as two girls can get. It was on one of these holidays away that the Mica and Lexy Series was born.
Melissa is the author of multiple YA and NA books, written in a variety of genres. She is a fully trained elementary teacher, but is lucky enough to stay home and watch her kids grow. She is also spending every spare moment trying to turn writing into a full-time career … and loving the process.
Find out more about her books here: http://www.melissapearlauthor.com/news
Brenda was the one
who encouraged Melissa to start writing in the first place. Once Melissa got started, Brenda caught the bug; she has been writing for ten years, in between motherhood and working at a local high school in the computer department. She has won two short story competitions and been runner up in another. Forbidden Territory is her first published novel.

*COVER REVEAL* Everything (Songbird Series) by Melissa Pearl



Everything by Melissa Pearl


March 12, 2015


Jody Pritchett had a dream…but life had other plans. Instead of singing and dancing on Broadway, Jody’s a twenty-year-old single mom, living at home with her disapproving father and overbearing sister. The choice to keep her little Angelia came with a high price and although she adores her baby girl, it doesn’t take away the sting of kissing goodbye her chance at a career on the stage.

Leo Sinclair had his own dream…but got lost along the way. After a failed marriage that left him hollow and downtrodden, the Australian songwriter wonders what joy his future could possibly hold. Encouraged by the one family member who doesn’t think he’s a failure, Leo decides to stop living the life everyone expects him to and start chasing his dreams again.

When the perfect opportunity comes knocking, Leo leaves Australia behind and hops a flight to LA. With his sights set on selling a musical to a Broadway producer, Leo is determined to finally realize his life-long dream. But life gets in the way again, when he spots a young mother outside his apartment in tears. He never realized how one person, one voice, and one Angel could have him contemplating abandoning his dreams once again.

As these two burned hearts wrestle to overcome their past struggles, Leo and Jody must decide which dreams are worth clinging to…because, sometimes, everything you want is not everything you need.




Melissa Pearl was born in Auckland, New Zealand, but has spent much of her life abroad, living in countries such as Jordan, Cyprus and Pakistan… not to mention a nine month road trip around North America with her husband. “Best. Year. Ever!!” She now lives in China with her husband and two sons. She is a trained elementary teacher, but writing is her passion. Since becoming a full time mother she has had the opportunity to pursue this dream and her debut novel hit the internet in November 2011. Since then she has continued to produce a steady stream of books, ranging in genres from Fantasy to Contemporary Romance. She loves the variety and is excited about the books she has coming up in 2015.

“I am passionate about writing. It stirs a fire in my soul that I never knew I had. I want to be the best writer I can possibly be and transport my readers into another world where they can laugh, cry and fall in love.”

Masks Series #4: Poker Face by Melissa Pearl Release Blitz





When Caitlyn Davis agreed to work with the FBI, she never imagined it would lead to her own kidnapping. But her special ability to read people’s emotions and decipher the truth has attracted the unwanted attention of Santiago Gomez, a rich casino owner who intends to use Caity’s talent to further his own business.

Eric Shore knew Caity didn’t want to break up with him; her scribbled note left on his bed gave him a snippet of the truth she’d been hiding. Still reeling from his brush with death and the loss of his beloved grandfather, Eric throws himself into searching for his girl.

With help from his reemerged father and a rogue FBI agent, Eric follows a tenuous lead to Las Vegas, not caring that his rescue attempt could bring him face-to-face with the same man who killed his grandfather and wants him dead as well.

While Caity fights to survive the horrors of her slavery, Eric is thrust into a dangerous world that could cost him his life, along with Caity’s.

The Masks Series is now complete. All books are available.
True Colors
Snake Eyes
Poker Face

purchase links


Book One True Colors is FREE!!!

my thoughts

For someone who’s not really into New Adult Romance, Melissa Pearl has shown me a new faced of this genre with her fabulous writing. This series, especially this last book in the series will take you to a new world not only with Caity’s Power but it lets you see how this world is not all bed and roses and will make you thing what might be happening behind the scenes.

Melissa Pearl did a wonderful job in writing a page turner, breath catching, heart pounding suspense with this book. It’s been a while since I was able to hold a book that will make me awake from 12am until three in the morning because I can’t stop turning the page until I finally know what will happened. She will take you to a journey with her characters that will make you see how beautiful your life is despite the ups and down that you might be going through.

The best part of this novel and for me it is also what sets it apart to other novel of this genre was the way the author wrote the ending for the characters. I wouldn’t want to spoil it for you but for me, there is no better way to end it than the way she did. It’s more realistic, more believable, more easy to relate to. It truth, I spent a couple of minutes thinking whether I liked how it ended but after flashing back to everything that happened it the series, I just have to commend Melissa Pearl for writing and ending it, the way it did.

The romance, the suspense, that gut wrenching thrill of this adventure with Eric and Caity, there’s just no word to describe it… you have to read the book yourself and experience the ride to feel how it felt. I was so immerse into the story that it didn’t not feel like I was reading it, it felt like was there, being an spectator as each page unfolds it all.

This book had me totally, and definitely in love with the craft that is the writings of Melissa Pearl!




Melissa Pearl was born in Auckland, New Zealand, but has spent much of her life abroad, living in countries such as Jordan, Cyprus and Pakistan… not to mention a nine month road trip around North America with her husband. “Best. Year. Ever!!” She now lives in China with her husband and two sons. She is a trained elementary teacher, but writing is her passion. Since becoming a full time mother she has had the opportunity to pursue this dream and her debut novel hit the internet in November 2011. Since then she has continued to produce a steady stream of books, ranging in genres from Fantasy to Romantic Suspense to Contemporary Romance. She loves the variety and is excited about the books she has coming out in 2015.

“I am passionate about writing. It stirs a fire in my soul that I never knew I had. I want to be the best writer I can possibly be and transport my readers into another world where they can laugh, cry and fall in love.”


Cover Reveal: Poker Face by Melissa Pearl ( @MelissaPearlG) – The Masks Series 4

Poker Face by Melissa
Cover Reveal

February 2, 2015
With Caity’s life in
the palm of someone else’s hands, can Eric find her before her fate is sealed?
Find out in the dramatic, and much anticipated, conclusion to The Masks
Series—Poker Face.
February 27, 2015
GOODREADS TBR: http://bit.ly/1DaZiSr
Want to read the first three books in the series? You can
find them below:
Book 1: True Colors 
Book 2: Two-Faced
Book 3: Snake Eyes 

Melissa Pearl was
born in Auckland, New Zealand, but has spent much of her life abroad, living in
countries such as Jordan, Cyprus and Pakistan… not to mention a nine month
road trip around North America with her husband. “Best. Year. Ever!!”
She now lives in China with her husband and two sons. She is a trained
elementary teacher, but writing is her passion. Since becoming a full time
mother she has had the opportunity to pursue this dream and her debut novel hit
the internet in November 2011. Since then she has continued to produce a steady
stream of books, ranging in genres from Fantasy to Contemporary Romance. She loves
the variety and is excited about the books she has coming up in 2015.
“I am passionate
about writing. It stirs a fire in my soul that I never knew I had. I want to be
the best writer I can possibly be and transport my readers into another world
where they can laugh, cry and fall in love.”

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